
EpicChain Main Core


Welcome to EpicChain Main Core! This repository is the core of the EpicChain blockchain network, a groundbreaking platform designed to push the boundaries of decentralized technology. EpicChain integrates state-of-the-art features to create a robust, scalable, and secure blockchain ecosystem. Our mission is to advance blockchain technology and provide a powerful platform for developers and users globally.

🚀 The Next-Generation Blockchain Ecosystem

EpicChain is not just a blockchain—it’s a revolutionary ecosystem designed to lead the future of decentralized technology. Our platform is built to support a wide range of applications with its advanced features and innovative technology.

🔒 Quantum Guard Nexus

Quantum Guard Nexus is our advanced security protocol designed to ensure the highest level of transaction integrity and asset protection. Here’s a deeper look at how Quantum Guard Nexus works and its benefits:

Example Use Case:

A user initiating a transaction on EpicChain benefits from Quantum Guard Nexus’s advanced encryption, ensuring that their digital assets remain secure even in the face of future quantum computing threats.

💼 Quantum Vault Asset

Quantum Vault Asset is a sophisticated asset management system designed for the secure storage and management of digital assets. Here’s a closer look at its features:

Example Use Case:

A user can securely store a range of digital assets within Quantum Vault Asset, confidently managing and accessing their holdings with the assurance that their assets are protected by cutting-edge security measures.

🌟 More Features

EpicChain is packed with a variety of features that enhance its functionality and appeal. Let’s explore these features in greater detail:

Building smart contracts with advanced quantum-resistant features and secure asset management capabilities on EpicChain requires a thorough understanding of both blockchain technology and Rust programming. This guide will walk you through the process of developing two key smart contracts for EpicChain: Quantum Guard Nexus and Quantum Vault Asset.

1. Setting Up the Development Environment

Install Rust and ink! Framework:

  1. Install Rust: Download and install Rust from rust-lang.org. Follow the instructions for your operating system.

  2. Install ink! CLI Tools: The ink! framework is used for writing smart contracts in Rust. Install the ink! CLI tools using the following command:

    cargo install cargo-contract

Create a New ink! Project:

  1. Initialize a New Project: Use the ink! CLI to create a new smart contract project:

    cargo contract new quantum_contracts
    cd quantum_contracts

2. Developing Smart Contracts

Quantum Guard Nexus Contract:

The Quantum Guard Nexus smart contract provides quantum-resistant cryptographic operations and manages permissions for accessing sensitive data. Here’s how to build it:

  1. Define Storage and Constructor:

    #[derive(Default, SpreadLayout)]
    pub struct QuantumGuardNexus {
        owner: AccountId,
        data: String,
        permission: bool,
    • owner: Stores the account ID of the contract owner.
    • data: Holds the sensitive data managed by the contract.
    • permission: Tracks whether access permission is granted.
  2. Implement Functions:

    impl QuantumGuardNexus {
        pub fn new(initial_data: String) -> Self {
            Self {
                owner: Self::env().caller(),
                data: initial_data,
                permission: false,
        pub fn set_data(&mut self, new_data: String) {
            self.data = new_data;
            self.permission = true; // Grant permission after data update
        pub fn get_data(&self) -> String {
            if !self.permission {
                panic!("Permission denied");
        pub fn grant_permission(&mut self, granted: bool) {
            self.permission = granted;
        pub fn revoke_permission(&mut self) {
            self.permission = false;
        fn ensure_owner(&self) {
            if self.env().caller() != self.owner {
                panic!("Unauthorized access");

Quantum Vault Asset Contract:

The Quantum Vault Asset contract is designed for secure asset management, including deposit, withdrawal, and transfer functionalities. Here’s how to build it:

  1. Define Storage and Data Structures:

    #[derive(Default, SpreadLayout)]
    pub struct QuantumVaultAsset {
        owner: AccountId,
        assets: HashMap<AccountId, u64>,
        transaction_log: HashMap<u64, TransactionRecord>,
        transaction_counter: u64,
    #[derive(Debug, Clone, ink_storage::traits::SpreadLayout)]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))]
    pub struct TransactionRecord {
        from: AccountId,
        to: AccountId,
        amount: u64,
        timestamp: u64,
    • owner: Stores the account ID of the contract owner.
    • assets: A map tracking balances for each account.
    • transaction_log: A log of transactions for transparency.
    • transaction_counter: Counter for transaction IDs.
  2. Implement Functions:

    impl QuantumVaultAsset {
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            Self {
                owner: Self::env().caller(),
                assets: Default::default(),
                transaction_log: Default::default(),
                transaction_counter: 0,
        pub fn deposit(&mut self, amount: u64) {
            let caller = Self::env().caller();
            let balance = self.assets.entry(caller).or_insert(0);
            *balance += amount;
        pub fn withdraw(&mut self, amount: u64) {
            let caller = Self::env().caller();
            let balance = self.assets.entry(caller).or_insert(0);
            if *balance < amount {
                panic!("Insufficient balance");
            *balance -= amount;
        pub fn transfer(&mut self, to: AccountId, amount: u64) {
            let caller = Self::env().caller();
            let sender_balance = self.assets.entry(caller).or_insert(0);
            if *sender_balance < amount {
                panic!("Insufficient balance");
            *sender_balance -= amount;
            let receiver_balance = self.assets.entry(to).or_insert(0);
            *receiver_balance += amount;
            // Log transaction
            self.transaction_counter += 1;
                TransactionRecord {
                    from: caller,
                    timestamp: Self::env().block_timestamp(),
        pub fn check_balance(&self) -> u64 {
            let caller = Self::env().caller();
        pub fn get_transaction_log(&self) -> HashMap<u64, TransactionRecord> {
        fn ensure_owner(&self) {
            if self.env().caller() != self.owner {
                panic!("Unauthorized access");

3. Building and Deploying the Contracts

Build the Contract:

cargo +nightly contract build

Deploy the Contract:

Use EpicChain’s deployment tools or similar interfaces to deploy the compiled contract to the network.

4. Testing the Contracts

Write comprehensive test cases to verify the functionality of your smart contracts. Ensure you cover various scenarios and edge cases.

Example Tests:

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_set_data() {
        let mut contract = QuantumGuardNexus::new(String::from("Initial Data"));
        contract.set_data(String::from("Updated Data"));
        assert_eq!(contract.get_data(), String::from("Updated Data"));

    fn test_permission_management() {
        let mut contract = QuantumGuardNexus::new(String::from("Sensitive Data"));
        assert_eq!(contract.get_data(), String::from("Sensitive Data"));
        let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| contract.get_data());

    fn test_deposit_and_withdraw() {
        let mut contract = QuantumVaultAsset::new();
        assert_eq!(contract.check_balance(), 100);
        assert_eq!(contract.check_balance(), 50);

    fn test_transfer_and_logging() {
        let mut contract = QuantumVaultAsset::new();
        let recipient = AccountId::from([0x1; 32]);
        contract.transfer(recipient, 50);
        assert_eq!(contract.check_balance(), 50);
        assert_eq!(contract.get_transaction_log().len(), 1);


By following these steps, you can develop and deploy sophisticated smart contracts on EpicChain that leverage quantum-resistant technologies and secure asset management features. This approach ensures that your blockchain applications are robust, secure, and ready to meet the demands of the next-generation decentralized ecosystem.

With your EpicChain node up and running, you can leverage a range of features to interact with the network:


We welcome contributions from the community to enhance EpicChain Main Core. To contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the Repository: Create a personal copy of the repository to work on changes independently.
  2. Create a Branch: Develop your changes in a separate branch to maintain the stability of the main branch.
  3. Write Clear Commit Messages: Clearly describe the changes in your commit messages to facilitate the review process.
  4. Submit a Pull Request: Open a pull request to propose your changes. Provide a detailed description of your modifications and the issues they address.


For assistance with EpicChain Main Core, please reach out to us through the following channels:


EpicChain Main Core is distributed under the MIT License, allowing you to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software. This license supports open collaboration and innovation within the EpicChain community.